Sunday, January 15, 2023

Guangzhou Opera Performance

A lot of incredible things happened to me in 2022, I moved to China, got my dog, met some really cool people, started working with some clever students who love to read-- I'm grateful for so much good stuff that has come my way. Excellent food and cultural experiences top my list of reasons why I really enjoy the Guangzhou experience. On October 29, 2022 there was a beautiful moon over the Pearl River and I was swept away by the magical folktale performance of dance, singing, and traditional Chinese instruments. The stage and costumes were mesmerizing, and I literally had front row seats in one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world. As soon as I learned about this Zaha Hadid designed performance hall I wanted to go, but getting tickets was challenging for me because tickets are sold in Chinese language. I got very lucky and was invited by my friend Sylvie's Chinese teacher Jaime. I still owe those ladies big time for their kindness and generousity! It was a performance of several acts, like short stories, serving up stories that moved even those of us in the audience that did not understand the language. I knew I was seeing something special, I could feel it no matter the language. I made a video just a few days after the experience, here is that with my own photos and recordings: It's a bit late to write this blog, but I wanted to share the official photos from the Guangzhou Opera photographer and remind myself how good I have it, living GZ Style.

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